What Happens if I Don’t Fill Out an Accident Report for My Slip and Fall in Carrollton, Georgia?

Personal injury lawyers in Carrollton always tell their clients – make sure you call the police after your car accident. They’ll fill out a police report and your lawyer will need this report in order to prove your case. The same is true with a slip and fall in Georgia. You need to fill out an incident or accident report if you fall while in a department store. If you don’t, it’s as if the fall never happened. If there’s nothing in writing to document your fall, then the store can easily say that it never happened. Or, they may admit that it happened but they’ll insist that you weren’t hurt. If you complete an accident report, you’ll have something concrete to prove that the incident actually occurred the way you said it did.

Your Carrollton personal injury attorney will need this report to prove your case. While it’s a little different from a police report, it’s the next best thing. These forms are provided by the store manager. You get to write a statement about what happened. You can also include the names and contact information for any witnesses who saw the fall happen. This could include your own friends or family. It could also include store employees or fellow shoppers. It really depends on the facts of your case.

If you don’t complete this form, it’s going to be your word against the word of the store manager. If you don’t report the fall at all, you’ll make your personal injury lawyer’s job almost impossible.

Who Do You Need to Report Your Slip and Fall To?

If you fall while out shopping or in a public building, you need to report it. If you’re in a public or municipal building, ask to speak with anyone in administration. Someone can either help you fill out an incident report or knows who they need to call to help you do this. You also need them to call an ambulance. You shouldn’t drive yourself to the hospital. That’s the last thing you want to do.

If you have a friend or relative with you, ask them to shot a video of the event. Obviously, you’re not going to have a recording of the actual fall. However, they can videotape what happens afterwards. For example, if you fall at a department store, it’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for someone to help you. If nobody comes over – even a manager –there’s a problem. If this is the case, you may want to call 911. This way, you know an ambulance will be on the way. You can also ensure that the police will prepare a police report.

What Kind of Information Goes into an Accident or Incident Report?

If you slip and fall on someone else’s property, you need to complete an incident or accident report. This is a pretty basic form. The manager should have a prepared form that you can use. It’s going to ask for some simple information, including:

  • The date and time of the accident
  • Description of the fall
  • Who was present at the time of the fall?
  • The location – were you in a specific department in the store?
  • If you’re injured – since you may have no idea, you can leave this section blank
  • Your contact information

You need to make sure this is given to a store manager. You also need to make sure you get a copy. Your attorney will use this information to prove your case later on.

Contact a Skilled Lawyer in Carrollton About Your Slip and Fall in Georgia

If you or your loved one suffered a slip and fall in Georgia, you need to call our office right away. A Carrollton personal injury law firm can help file your claim against the defendant’s insurance company. And, if need be, they can help you file a personal injury lawsuit in Carrollton. This is the worst-case scenario. The goal is to get your insurance claim paid so that you aren’t stuck with out of pocket medical bills. The best way to do this is to hire an experienced personal injury attorney right from the start. They’ll make sure your claim is handled properly. They’ll also fight to get your claim paid. Call today and schedule your initial consultation. It’s absolutely free and – remember – you pay nothing until you win or settle your case.