Mechanic Negligence: How to Sue in Douglasville, GA

Could a mechanic be responsible for a crash? As experienced Douglasville accident lawyers, we know most car accidents occur due to driver error. Under Georgia law, you can sue the party responsible for causing your accident. But what happens if the accident occurred due to a car defect caused by the negligence of your mechanic?

If an accident is caused by the negligent actions of a mechanic or auto repair shop, you have the legal right to sue. Albeit, accidents are not the only reason to sue a mechanic or auto repair shop. You can still sue a mechanic or auto repair shop in small claims court for failing to repair your vehicle properly.

This article discusses how to sue a mechanic for negligence in Douglasville. If you or a loved one get into a crash because of a mechanic error, contact the Law Office of John B. Jackson immediately. Our legal team is available around the clock to help you and proffer excellent legal advice.

What Is Defective Mechanic Work?

A defective car can put lives at risk. Therefore, an auto repair shop has a duty of care to customers and must use “reasonable care” when repairing vehicles. A reasonable standard of care involves using industry knowledge, skills, technical know-how, and professionalism.

In Douglasville, if an accident is caused by defective work of an auto repair shop, you are entitled to sue for compensation. Defective work occurs when a mechanic negligently makes repairs that cause accidents or vehicle damage.

Suing an auto repair shop can be a daunting process, but compensation is deserved for any negligence. However, it is crucial to consult an experienced car accident lawyer for proper guidance.

Examples of Negligent Mechanic or Auto Repair Shop Work

There are a plethora of defective mechanical works that result in negligence. These are works that were inadequately repaired or not performed at all. Specific examples are:

  • Installing the wrong vehicle parts
  • Failure to adequately repair a damaged vehicle part
  • Failure to notice urgently needed repairs that a mechanic acting reasonably would notice
  • Damaging vital components of the vehicle when undergoing repairs
  • Modifying a vehicle illegally without the consent of the vehicle owner

Establishing an Auto Repair Shop’s Negligence

To get compensation for negligence for mechanical failure, you must prove the four elements of negligence. Again, you must show that the mechanic acted without a reasonable standard of care, resulting in damage or personal injury.

Generally, negligence is proved by these elements:

  • Duty of Care: You must prove that the professional had a duty of care established by law and professional standards.
  • Breach: You must show the repairman breached the duty of care owed by carrying out defective repairs.
  • Causation: Next, you must show that the auto repair shop’s negligence resulted in damages and personal injury.
  • Damages: Lastly, you must prove you incurred damages that can be recovered by legal action.

Proving a mechanic’s negligence can be challenging. Most individuals in Douglasville lack in-depth knowledge about cars. Hence, it is difficult to argue when the professional denies liability. While most auto repair shops have liability insurance for negligence claims, they still deny liability. This can make the process challenging and complicated. This is where a car accident lawyer can help protect your right.

Evidence to Prove a Mechanic’s Negligence

There are several relevant pieces of evidence useful in proving the negligence of a mechanic in Douglasville. This evidence is helpful to corroborate your claims. They include:

  • Accident reports
  • Photographs of faulty vehicle parts and repairs
  • Record of repair work done
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Invoices
  • Warranties for parts

What Compensation Can I Get for Negligence?

There are several damages available to a negligence victim. They include:

  • Cost of repairs of the vehicle
  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical cost for treatment of injuries
  • Loss of income if your injuries kept you from working

Contact Douglasville Personal Injury Lawyers Now!

Where an accident occurs from the fault of a mechanic or auto repair shop, you need legal representation to get compensation. Our Douglasville car accident lawyers have extensive years of experience helping injury victims get maximum compensation. In addition, we will gather all the evidence needed to prove the professional’s liability.

Furthermore, we will protect your rights and get you justice for your hurt. You don’t have to worry about our fees as we work on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not need to pay us until we win. So contact the Law Office of John B. Jackson to determine your legal options.