How Can COVID Affect Your Atlanta Personal Injury Lawsuit?

COVID has affected several things, including Atlanta personal injury lawsuits. One good thing about the COVID-19 pandemic is that people are getting into fewer accidents. With so few people out and about, there’s a much lower chance of you getting hurt. But that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to stay safe during the pandemic. There’s still the chance that you could get into a car accident. You still need to go grocery shopping. You could suffer a slip and fall at any time. And now that we’re in the middle of winter, it’s only a matter of time before the inclement weather hits us. Once that happens, the risks of getting seriously hurt go up. The roads are bad. The floors in the stores and malls are wet and dangerous. Atlanta personal injury lawyers talk to more people during these months than most other times of the year. You should call and talk to an attorney as soon as possible, despite the fact that we’re in the middle of a national crisis.

While people are still getting hurt, the Coronavirus has slowed things down from a legal perspective. The courts are responding slower to filings. A lot of hearings and motions are being handled virtually instead of in person. Even Atlanta personal injury lawyers have been forced to slow down a bit. They have to meet with clients virtually. They aren’t in the office as much as they were before the virus. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pursue your legal claim. Call and talk to someone in our office and they can answer any questions you may have about filing statuses and delays with legal claims.

Can You Still File a Lawsuit During the COVID Pandemic?

Some people think that, just because we’re in the middle of a pandemic, they can’t file legal action. This isn’t true. Yes, it may take longer to resolve your claim. Insurance companies are responding more slowly. So are the courts. However, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer will still be able to file your case. As long as you have a valid claim, you’ll be able to pursue the responsible party for damages. However, you still need to be able to prove that they’re at fault. That’s where your Atlanta personal injury lawyer comes into play.

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyers are Still Working Through the Pandemic

You can still call and talk to an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer, despite the Coronavirus. A lot of them are working virtually. However, that doesn’t change what they do. Their goal is to help their injured clients get justice. Of course, the way they do that is by getting them damages for their injuries. When you call and talk to one of our lawyers, they’ll review your case to see if you have a valid claim. Since many of personal injury cases involve insurance companies, your attorney will start out by trying to get int touch with the insurance adjustor. If all goes well, they’ll be able to negotiate a settlement of your claim. If that isn’t possible, then they’ll need to file a lawsuit on your behalf.

The Courts are Still Experiencing Delays

When the virus first appeared, courts all over the country were shutting down left and right. Safety became their first priority. Then, in the fall, things started to look up. The courts were starting to reopen. People’s claims started moving along. Then, right before the holidays, things took a turn for the worst. The number of cases started to spike again. In fact, it has been worse this past month than it was last spring. With that in mind, the courts have slowed down yet again. However, accident victims are still allowed to pursue legal action. You just need to be patient.

The Statute of Limitations in Atlanta Still Apply

The one frustrating thing about the COVID-19 pandemic is that the courts are still holding people responsible for meeting the statute of limitations. In Georgia, you only have two (2) years to file suit against a third party. If you miss this deadline, your case will be dismissed. When the virus first hit the U.S., the courts were given extensions when it came to filing deadlines. However, now that the whole country is adjusting, these extensions are few and far between. That’s why it’s really important that you call an experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after you’re injuries.

Call and Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation with an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer During COVID-19