What’s the Best Way to Prepare for Your Free Consultation?

If you’re involved in a car accident, you’ll want to meet with an experienced Carrollton accident attorney. They’ll offer you a free consultation initially so you can decide if you want to retain their services. Here, we’ll discuss a few tips for how to best approach this initial meeting and make the most of your time.

Make Sure You Have a List of Questions Prepared

One of the most important suggestions for preparing to meet with your attorney for your free consultation is to write down a list of questions. You’re only going to have a half-hour or so to meet. You don’t want to leave only to find out that you forgot to ask half of your questions. If you have them written down ahead of time, you can refer to them throughout your conversation.

Gather All of Your Paperwork Together

The last thing you want to do is show up for your free consultation with a bunch of disorganized papers. You’ll only have a limited amount of time with your attorney. Make sure you use this time wisely. If you don’t have your ducks in a row before you arrive, your Carrollton accident attorney is going to waste time going through them. This is valuable time. You’d much rather spend this time discussing how to approach your case or what kind of settlement you’d be willing to accept.

Send Your Carrollton Accident Attorney a Copy of the Police Report First

Rather than wait until your free consultation, it’s a good idea to send a copy of your police report to your attorney ahead of time. This gives them a chance to review it and write down any questions they may have. It will also help them prepare for your free consultation. If you did not order a copy of the report already, it’s wise to do so. It can take a couple of days for the police to process your request. You want to make sure you have it before you meet with your Carrollton accident attorney for the first time.

Avoid Posting About Your Accident on Social Media

One of the important things you need to remember while you’re waiting to meet with your Carrollton accident attorney is to avoid social media. The last thing you need to do is share your case with the rest of the world. The defendant or their attorney could very well be looking at your profile to see what you have to say. Then they’ll use what you say against you in court. Rather than risk this happening, stay off of social media until your case is resolved.

Read Some of the Blogs on Your Attorney’s Website

A lot of the questions you have about your case can probably be answered by reading some of the blogs on your Carrollton accident attorney’s website. They often post short blogs about the different areas they specialize in. They may discuss recent laws that have been passed or important cases that have been decided. Even if these blogs don’t answer your question directly, they can help give you an idea of how to proceed. They may also give you an idea of what kind of questions you want to ask during your free consultation.

Call and Speak with a Skilled Carrollton Accident Attorney

If you’re not sure what to do after your car accident, it’s a good idea to talk to an experienced Carrollton accident attorney. If the other driver’s insurance company paid your claim, you may have nothing to worry about. However, if they deny your claim or won’t pay the full amount, you need help.

If the insurance company finds out you’ve retained an attorney, they won’t try to take advantage of you. In fact, once you let them know you’re represented, they can’t contact you at all. They’ll have to deal with your Carrollton accident attorney. This will give your lawyer a chance to try to settle your claim quickly. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to file a lawsuit against the other driver.

Once you’ve scheduled your free consultation, you need to get prepared. If you follow the tips discussed here, you’ll be in a good position to have a productive meeting with your Carrollton accident attorney. This will help you make a decision about how you want to proceed. What you should do is call our office and set up a time to meet with one of our experienced accident lawyers. They’ll take the time to explain the legal process to you and find out what your next move is.