Medical bills might be only one of the worries following an automobile accident. You may also be unable to perform your job. You may not be sure if you are going to have the ability to return to work. You may be struggling to come to terms with permanent injuries, or in pain. But you should know that you don’t have to pay for your injuries. The law permits you to recover your medical expenses and a whole lot more. You need to speak with a McDonough car accident lawyer. Our legislation’s first mission is to help accident victims get the money that they require. We have been getting results for decades, and we won’t bill you unless we win money for you.

What If The Insurance Company Won't Pay The Full Value of My Car?

Let us provide you a totally free consultation in McDonough, GA. Call us at 770-988-6155 or complete the form to the right now to get your free consultation. Unlike some accidents, automobile accidents are often insured by an insurance plan. If you own a car in the state of Georgia, then you must get insurance to cover damage to accident victim injuries AND vehicles. This means that if you are injured in a car accident, there will often be insurance cash. However, you should know that the insurance carrier won’t be eager to pay you what your claim is worth. It is crucial to speak with an experienced car accident lawyer before you agree to take an insurer check.
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How Can I Know Who Is At Fault in My Accident?

In Georgia, the motorist that is at fault would be the one that pays. Because of this, insurance companies want to determine who is fault prior to deciding who’s responsible for the cost of your injuries. Fault is a matter of driver negligence. Every driver has an obligation to operate their car in a way that is responsible and careful. Even if they never intended to harm any other motorists but were driving careless and caused a mishap, they are still accountable for negligence. A driver may be negligent for many reasons, but some of the most typical ones include breaking traffic laws, driving while distracted, tailgating and drunk driving.

What Kind of Accidents Are Covered by Car Accident Claims?

You’re able to recover money provided that the incident caused it. There are a few classic car accident injuries. They include:
Head injuries. A traumatic brain injury is one of the most devastating kinds of car accident injuries. But a small concussion can also cause serious complications. Whiplash, which is a really real and painful neck injury, although TV and movies tend to make fun of whiplash victims. These can include strains and sprains and broken bones. Face bones and broken hands or wrists are frequent.
Many vehicle accident victims believe at first that they haven’t been hurt. They later may begin to develop nagging pain, stiffness or dizziness. You shouldn’t dismiss these symptoms as they can be signs of something serious if you don’t treat them and they are able to develop into more critical injuries. Always get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Seeing a physician protects your health and also makes it more easy for you to earn a solid insurance case.

How Do I Know If I Really Have a Claim?

It’s typical for auto accident victims to blame themselves. Or you might be thinking you were just unfortunate. That’s not how the law works, although it’s natural to have these ideas. Your injury was likely someone’s fault, and the person at fault is liable for paying for your injuries. Don’t walk away from the money that you deserve, in the event that you’ve got a claim. Our personal injury lawyers can assist you in determining the best course of action.

How Much Cash Can I Expect to Receive?

You can recover all your costs and damages. The amount you can get can differ, depending on the type of accident and the way the accident happened. But you can expect to receive money for health care costs, long-term rehab (if any), your damaged automobile, and any time you missed from work. Money is received by most injury victims. It is normal to receive extra money for long-term ailments and pain along with other acute losses if your injuries were serious. If a family member’s life was lost in a crash, wrongful death damages may be awarded to you. This cash will never bring back what you’ve lost, but it may provide you stability as you plan the next phase of your life and keep your therapy.

Why You Need An Attorney

What If I’ve Already Received an Insurance Deal?

The insurance companies offer might appear great, but they have a different rationale. They need to make a profit, and they’ll purposely offer you a lower amount. They expect you to sign your rights away before you learn what the injury is going to cost you and need the cash. Car accident attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia will look out for your best interests and help you prevent the insurance companies traps and tricks. In our law office, we start every case with an investigation into the way that your accident happened and your injuries. We send you to physicians who understand the treatment you need, the illness, and what it will all cost. We construct a good case that we can use to convince the insurance company to give a reasonable offer to you. With a lawyer on your side, you stand to recover far more income than you would typically get on your own.

Talk to a McDonough Car Accident Lawyer

Our attorneys have a long track record of assisting accident victims. We never charge you anything if we don’t get you cash. Let us explain your rights and give you a free consultation. Get in touch with us at 770-988-6155 or complete the form to the right now to get your free consultation.