Cómo puede ayudarle un testigo en su reclamación por accidente de tráfico

Si usted ha estado en un accidente de auto en Georgia, y usted ha sufrido lesiones por culpa de otro conductor, entonces usted tiene derecho a una indemnización por sus lesiones, daños a la propiedad, y otras pérdidas. Esa compensación debe provenir de la póliza de seguro del conductor culpable. Sin embargo, usted tiene la tarea de probar, no sólo la responsabilidad del otro conductor, sino la gravedad de sus lesiones, sus gastos reales, sus daños no económicos, y más. Si no tiene suficientes pruebas físicas para demostrar estos factores, la compañía de seguros podría denegar su reclamación o minimizarla sustancialmente.

If the insurance company denies your claim or if you refuse to accept an unfairly low settlement, and the case ends up going to trial, then you still have to provide the evidence and prove the case, even more so when it comes to a trial, or the whole case could be thrown out and you will get nothing. A Douglasville car accident lawyer can make sure this does not happen to you.

How Do You Get Compensation for Your Damages?

To begin with, you have to prove liability. This involves establishing that the other driver owed you a duty of care, that he or she breached that duty, and that this breach of duty resulted in your injuries, damages, and all associated costs. You then have to prove the extent of your injuries, the extent of your damages, the actual economic losses and costs associated with these issues, and the non-economic losses, like pain and suffering, that you may hope to recover.

Necesita pruebas físicas para demostrar estas cosas. Eso puede venir en forma de informes policiales, lo que indica que el otro conductor violó una ley de tránsito; en forma de registros e informes médicos, lo que indica la gravedad y el tratamiento de sus lesiones; en forma de fotografías, tomadas en el lugar del accidente y de los daños y lesiones asociados; y en forma de facturas, estimaciones y recibos asociados con sus diversos gastos médicos, reparaciones de propiedad, y más.

What If You Have Little Physical Evidence?

If you don’t have enough physical evidence, then it is very likely that your claim will either be denied or minimized by the insurance company. With the help of a Georgia car crash lawyer, you may be able to present a stronger case to the insurance company with the assistance of legal representation and the resources available to your attorney. For example, your attorney can gather the necessary documents that will be used as evidence, if those documents exist. Your attorney could also consult with expert witnesses, like medical professionals and accident reconstructionists, to strengthen your claim.

Yet the most valuable asset you may have, depending on the case, if you don’t have a lot of physical evidence, could  be your witnesses. In some cases, you might have plenty of medical evidence and evidence of lost wages and property damage, but no evidence of liability. In such cases, eye witnesses could be extremely useful by explaining what they saw, to establish fault.

How Do You Find a Witness For the Accident?

If there were passengers in your vehicle who were aware of the circumstances of the incident, then these individuals could serve as witnesses. However, their testimony will not be as strong as the testimony of any individuals who were not involved, but saw what happened.

The more objective the witness, the better, so it will often come down to people who don’t know you or the other person, but saw what each of you did or didn’t do to cause the accident. How do you find these people, when you don’t even know them? This is where we return to the importance of everything that you do after a Georgia auto accident occurs. Among these important steps is the process of gathering the contact information of anyone who saw what happened or provided assistance.

If you do this, then you have that information to fall back on when you need evidence. Your car crash lawyer can use the contact information of those witnesses to find them and discuss the accident.

Other Things That May Help Your Claim

Es importante tener en cuenta que es posible que no tenga testigos después de una reclamación por accidente de coche, o que esos testigos no hayan visto lo suficiente como para proporcionar un testimonio adecuado. Sin embargo, los testigos se vuelven menos esenciales cuando usted toma medidas adicionales para asegurarse de que usted es capaz de probar su reclamo, más tarde. Esto significa que debe hacer fotos de todas las lesiones, la posición y los daños de los vehículos, las señales de tráfico pertinentes, etc. También tiene que denunciar el siniestro a la policía y recibir tratamiento médico de inmediato. Sus acciones y los pasos que dé después del accidente serán la mejor manera de probar su caso más adelante.

Contact a Douglasville Car Crash Lawyer Today

Perhaps the most important step you can take following a Georgia auto accident is to contact an attorney, get a free consultation, get your questions answered, and then benefit from the guidance and representation that an attorney can provide. Contact the determined car crash lawyer in Douglasville at the Law Offices of John B. Jackson today to schedule your free consultation and start moving forward with your claim.