Accidentes por resbalones y caídas en Georgia

Slip and fall accidents account for over one million emergency room visits each year in the United States. These accidents also account for the most amount of days missed from work by American employees annually. If you are in a slip and fall accident, there are important steps to take to ensure your rights are protected. You may be entitled to payment of medical bills and damages stemming from your fall. It is critical that you ensure those rights are protected or you risk losing them.


Timetable After a Slip and Fall


A slip and fall can be an embarrassing and painful accident to suffer. Many people want to get up and brush themselves off as quickly as possible to avoid any further embarrassment. While this is understandable, it is critically important to evaluate yourself for any potential medical issues. If you are in pain, have soreness, or think any physical issues have been exacerbated by your slip and fall, it is imperative that you seek immediate medical attention and document all medical care sought. It is important you do not ignore any medical issues, because under Georgia law, you only have two years to bring suit in a slip and fall case. From the moment your accident takes place the proverbial clock begins ticking on your ability to recover as a result of your accident. Do not wait – seek medical care and contact an aggressive, experienced, personal injury attorney immediately to help protect your rights.


What Do I Have to Prove to Win a Personal Injury Case?


Georgia law states that when an owner or occupier of land invites others onto their property, the owner or occupier is liable for any damages as a result of a failure to exercise ordinary care in keeping the premises safe. This means that a business open to the public has a legal duty to exercise ordinary care to ensure a dangerous condition does not exist on their premises. If they are aware of a condition that is dangerous and do not address it they are in violation of the law. If they were unaware, but should have been aware, they are still in violation of the law.


What Can I Recover In a Slip And Fall Case?


If you are the victim of a slip and fall and can prove the elements above, you are entitled to damages stemming from the incident. This can include medical bills, lost wages and loss of consortium. These are the actual monetary damages you have suffered as a result of the accident. You may be able to also recover punitive damages in a slip and fall case. In Georgia you may recover punitive damages if you can show by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant was willful in their negligence or acted with malice. For example, if a shop owner had been made aware of a pipe leaking in their store for some time and simply chose to ignore the problem and not repair the pipe, he or she may be found to be willful in their negligence. If punitive damages are awarded, they are capped at a maximum of $250,000 in Georgia.


What Should I Do If I Have Suffered a Slip and Fall?


If you have been in a slip and fall accident, the first thing you should do is contact an experienced, aggressive personal injury attorney in Carrollton, GA to ensure your rights are protected from the beginning. You should also be certain to seek any medical care you believe to be necessary as a result of the fall. Your Georgia slip and fall attorney can help make sure you are compensated for all damages incurred and potentially obtain punitive damages from your fall.  The Law Office of John B.Jackson has a history of fighting for their clients and doing everything possible to get you the best possible outcome in your case.