Como Probar Negligencia de Auto en Atlanta, GA

A car accident can have a major impact on your everyday life, and in some cases, it can even become a life-altering event. Without your vehicle, you may be left scrambling to find ways to make your routine routes to and from work, school, or the grocery store. Just to name a few. The aftermath of a car accident could even lead to pain and suffering from personal injuries caused by the collision. Sometimes these injuries are minor, but there are other times where the injuries are severe and could impact the rest of your life physically and financially. But you don’t have to feel or live in despair. Our Atlanta injury lawyers can help you find the financial relief and peace of mind you deserve, especially it can be proven that the auto accident was caused due to negligence on the other driver’s behalf. In this post, we will discuss how to prove auto negligence in Atlanta, GA, and how your injury attorney or car accident lawyer can get you the monetary compensation you deserve.

Puede tener derecho a una indemnización por lesiones y pérdida de calidad de vida.

If you reside in Atlanta, Georgia and have been negatively affected by a car accident, then you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, financial losses and loss of quality of life. All you will need to do is have you or your car accident lawyer prove that the car accident was caused by negligence.  Negligence is defined as an involved party’s failure to take reasonable care owed to another involved party. Being able to show negligence is crucial to the success of your case.

A continuación enumeramos algunos ejemplos de lo que se consideraría negligencia:

  • Saltarse un stop o un semáforo en rojo
  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Conducción distraída
  • Conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol
  • Colisiones por giro a la izquierda
  • Colisión trasera

Qué hacer para presentar una demanda por lesiones personales contra un conductor negligente.

Emprender acciones legales contra un conductor negligente y ganar su demanda por lesiones personales no será tarea fácil. Tendrá que ser capaz de demostrar y probar lo siguiente:

  • El conductor no tuvo cuidado.
  • The actions of the negligent driver were the cause of the your injuries and damages.
  • La ley obligaba al conductor a ser razonablemente prudente al volante.

This is where you will want the expertise of an injury lawyer or car accident attorney who is experienced with collecting the data, evidence, witnesses and professional insight that will be need to prove auto negligence in Atlanta, GA.

What to know about car accident damages in Atlanta, Georgia.

Georgia state law requires the driver who is at-fault to pay for vehicle damages. There are number forms of damages but the main two categories are compensatory damages (recognized as actual damages) and punitive damages. Compensatory damages, such as the injured’s medical bills, are granted to recover the injured person’s losses as if the injury had never happened.  Punitive damages are those exceeding simple compensation and are awarded to punish the defendant. Most car accident claims will focus on compensatory damages instead of punitive damages.

Cómo recuperar sus daños por negligencia automovilística

Es su responsabilidad como la parte lesionada para demostrar que la parte culpable mostró negligencia que causó el accidente de coche y las lesiones que recibió. Como se mencionó anteriormente, la ley de Georgia define la negligencia automovilística como la falta de ejercer el debido cuidado en la medida en que una persona ordinariamente razonable lo haría y debería en las mismas circunstancias. Así que cualquier persona que injustificadamente rompe una norma de seguridad vial está realizando un acto que se consideraría negligencia, y por lo tanto, están legalmente obligados a pagar a la parte lesionada el dinero suficiente para cubrir todas las pérdidas y daños que sufrieron debido al accidente de coche.

He aquí una lista de los daños compensatorios que puede recuperar por negligencia automovilística, incluidos los presentes y futuros:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Pérdida de ingresos
  • Deterioro o pérdida de capacidad de ganancia
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Alteración del estilo de vida
  • Pérdida del disfrute de la vida
  • Trauma psicológico
  • Mental distress, anxiety and depression
  • Aprehensión
  • Daños futuros por lesiones permanentes
  • Desfiguración
  • Disfunción sexual
  • Privación de una esperanza de vida normal
  • Gastos de bolsillo

In order to recover these damages you must provide proper documentation of the damages from negligence in order to win or settle your case as desired. Hiring a professional and experienced car accident lawyer or injury attorney will ensure that all documentation is collected and processed as needed. For example, your lawyer will make sure that insurance provides receive a record of the claimed damages such as your doctor’s diagnosis, treatment plan, prescriptions, out-of-pocket expenses, lost time off work, etc, as well as make sure that any traumatic or debilitating disorders caused by the car crash are diagnosed then provided to the insurance company and the courts.

It is highly suggest that you keep a journal of any mental distress, pain and suffering that you experience during this life event so that you do not forget any details that will later be requested by your injury lawyer, so they can better under how your injuries have significantly and specifically impacted your lifestyle and day-to-day routines.

How to recover punitive damages from auto negligence in Atlanta, Georgia

Aunque la mayoría de las demandas por accidente de coche se centrarán en los daños compensatorios en lugar de daños punitivos, todavía existe la posibilidad de que el individuo que resultó herido debido a la negligencia de auto puede ser galardonado con daños punitivos también. Normalmente, los daños punitivos se conceden cuando el comportamiento de la parte culpable que condujo al accidente es más que imprudente. Por ejemplo, si la parte culpable causó el accidente bajo la influencia de drogas o alcohol, entonces la mayoría de los jueces y jurados concederán al demandante daños punitivos como una forma de castigo por el comportamiento de la parte culpable.

Seek compensation for your injuries cause by auto negligence.

If you or someone you love have been injured in a car accident cause by a negligent driver in Atlanta, Georgia, then you should seek full compensation with help from a skilled and reputable car accident attorney or injury lawyer. Our legal team here at the Law Office of John B. Jackson is always here to help you know your rights as well as fight to make sure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. Contact us today at for a free consultation 770-988-6155.