Un abogado de lesiones personales Douglasville mira a las lesiones cortadora de césped

Any Douglasville personal injury lawyer knows that every year, more than 6,000 people are injured by lawnmowers. According to a study at Johns Hopkins, most of these injuries involve burns, cuts and broken bones. When it comes to lawnmowers, it sometimes doesn’t matter how careful you are. They’re inherently dangerous. There are so many lawnmower recalls, it’s surprising that anybody still uses them. In 2013 alone, more than 50,000 mowers were recalled. Most of them were made by Toro and Exmark. Any little thing can go wrong, and you end up on the wrong end of a lawnmower blade. If this is the case, you’re going to need an experienced Douglasville personal injury lawyer right away.

There are 3 Types of Product Liability Cases

There are three (3) main types of product liability claims. With a lawnmower accident, it could be any of these. The three types of claims are:

  • Defective design – There are some products that were designed to be unsafe. Even if it were made perfectly, it would still be unsafe. With a lawnmower, you could have a unit that is designed to be self-riding. If this is the case, it could suffer an electrical problem and run you or your loved one over.
  • Manufacturing Defect – There are other products that would be safe if they were made right. If something goes wrong while it’s being made, you may have a claim for a manufacturing defect. An example of this could be a lawnmower that is missing a safety switch of some sort.
  • Warning – Some products carry a certain level of danger no matter what. Lawnmowers happen to be one of them. They usually come with warnings letting you know what to look out for. If this warning was missing or inadequate you may have that sort of case.

In all of these, your Douglasville personal injury lawyer can demand damages and will do so.

What Sort of Injuries Do These Accidents Cause?

People who are injured by a defective lawnmower usually suffer severe injuries. You could suffer lacerations to the arms, legs or face. Depending on where you get cut, you need to get a limb amputated. For example, if you lose control of a lawnmower and it goes rogue, you may end up losing your foot at the ankle. Or you may have the lawnmower run you over. If this happens, your Douglasville personal injury lawyer will demand that you be compensated for your injuries and pain and suffering.

Your Douglasville Personal Injury Lawyer Will Demand Damages

The whole point of hiring a Douglasville personal injury lawyer is to get compensation for your injuries. In order to do that, you must prove two things. First, you need to prove that the defendant was either negligent or strictly liable. Second, you need to demonstrate that you were injured. When it comes to a lawnmower accident, it shouldn’t be hard to prove your injuries. These accidents often leave their victims in pretty bad shape. There’s a good chance you’ll need surgery and experience a long recovery period. That’s why you don’t want to wait too long to meet with your attorney. The sooner you file your claim, the fast you can get your money.

Call and Talk to an Experienced Douglasville Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or your spouse get hurt while using a lawnmower, you’ll likely end up in the hospital. These accidents cause very serious injuries. Once you know that you’re okay, it’s time to call an experienced Douglasville personal injury lawyer. You may have to pursue more than one party for damages. You don’t want to try to handle this on your own. All you have to do to get started is meet with an attorney. You can call our office and set up a date and time to meet with one of our skilled Douglasville personal injury lawyers.

The whole point of having a free, initial consultation is to give you a chance to have an attorney review your case. If they think you have a valid claim, the attorney will probably want to handle your case. If they don’t think you’re entitled to damages, they’ll be honest with you. They aren’t going to want to waste your time or their time. So, take advantage of this time. You can ask any questions you may have. You can also get an idea of what your case may be worth. Call our office today and schedule your free consultation.