¿Qué debo saber sobre las demandas por lesiones infantiles en Atlanta, GA?

Seeking compensation for child injuries in Atlanta, GA may involve a different process from that of adult injury claims. The state of Georgia has specific laws concerning child injury claims. In choosing an Atlanta personal injury lawyer, therefore, you need someone who can truly help with child injury compensation.

The health and social consequences of child injuries can vary according to their nature and severity. It is thus crucial that you obtain treatment and legal help right away. As a parent or guardian, you need to consult with a personal injury attorney in Atlanta without delay.

 What Makes Child Injuries Worse than Adult Injuries?

Children may suffer from injuries through their own actions. This holds true whether in Atlanta, GA or anywhere else. Children may fall, slip, or acquire bruises on impact. When child injuries are inflicted by another entity’s negligence, however, parents have the right to fight for compensation. At this point, parents or guardians need to seek the help of a personal injury attorney in Atlanta.

There are many reasons why child injuries can have worse effects compared to injuries sustained by adults. Compared to that of an adolescent or adult, a child’s developing body is more vulnerable to impact. With their delicate state, they can easily sustain serious injuries due to car collisions, slippery surfaces, and even defective toys. Furthermore, a recent study has shown how child injuries can lead to negative health and social consequences in later years.

If your child has been hurt through the negligent actions or malicious intent of another individual, you should take action. Work with a personal injury attorney in Atlanta as soon as possible.

Consulting with a Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta for Child Injury Claims

A claim involving child injuries in Atlanta, GA may be complicated by a few things. One of the most crucial considerations is the minor status of the child. This means that the child will need the help of parents or a guardian. In the state of Georgia, moreover, the laws allow both the child and the parent to file separate claims. A committed Atlanta personal injury lawyer can provide much-needed direction in the filing of these claims.

Another aspect with which a personal injury attorney in Atlanta can help concerns the statute of limitations. Specifically, these statutes of limitations in Atlanta, GA refer to the deadlines within which claims may be made. An Atlanta personal injury lawyer will tell you that the deadline for adult injury claims is two years. However, this statute of limitations may be “tolled” in the case of claims involving child injuries. Your Atlanta personal Injury lawyer can still help you file for claims two years after your child turns eighteen.

 How to Choose an Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer for Claims Involving Children in Atlanta, GA

There are qualities to look for in an Atlanta personal injury lawyer if you’re dealing with claims for child injuries. Some of these are:

  • Knowledge of Georgia state laws

Not all lawyers will be well-versed with current state laws in Georgia. Like any other set of laws, these state laws could be updated over time. If possible, hire an Atlanta personal injury lawyer for your personal injury claim in Atlanta, GA. A personal injury attorney in Atlanta will possess updated knowledge of crucial laws governing child injury claims in the state.

  • Experience and results

You would want to work with a lawyer who has sufficient experience in child injury compensation claims. Furthermore, your Atlanta personal injury lawyer should be able to fight for a settlement or handle a lawsuit, as needed.

  • Compassion

Finally, you need to enlist legal counsel who is compassionate and available during consultations. Child injury claims can involve highly sensitive considerations. If possible, look for a lawyer who has the sincere desire to help your case.

If You Need a Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta, Get in Touch with Us Now

Here at the Law Office of John B. Jackson, we have the commitment necessary for successful personal injury claims. Whether you’re filing an adult injury claim or a claim for child injuries in Atlanta, GA, we can help. You should consult with an Atlanta injury law firm to speed up the filing of your claim or lawsuit.

Unlike adult personal injury claims, you will not be limited by the two-year deadline for child injury claims. The earlier you act, however, the earlier you will be able to obtain proper and full compensation in Atlanta, GA.

Consult with a personal injury attorney in Atlanta at the soonest time possible. Get in touch with us at the Law Office of John B. Jackson today.